The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Revolution Idle
Learn how to dominate Revolution Idle. Explore beginner tips, advanced strategies, and automation techniques to maximize your progress.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Revolution Idle
1.1 What is Revolution Idle?
1.2 Why is Revolution Idle So Popular? - Getting Started
2.1 Understanding the Basics
2.2 Unlocking Key Features - Core Mechanics
3.1 Circles and Multipliers
3.2 Prestige and Promotion
3.3 Infinity and Beyond - Automation Strategies
4.1 Auto Buy and Auto Ascend
4.2 Auto Prestige and Auto Promote
4.3 Advanced Automation Techniques - Challenges and Milestones
5.1 Infinity Challenges
5.2 Eternity and Beyond - Tips and Tricks
- Conclusion
Introduction to Revolution Idle
What is Revolution Idle?
Revolution Idle is a captivating idle game that combines strategy, automation, and incremental progression. Players start with a single circle and gradually unlock more complex mechanics, such as prestige, promotion, and infinity. The game’s depth and complexity make it a favorite among idle game enthusiasts.
Why is Revolution Idle So Popular?
The game’s popularity stems from its intricate mechanics, which offer both casual and hardcore players a rewarding experience. The ability to automate processes and strategize for long-term gains keeps players engaged and coming back for more.
Getting Started
Understanding the Basics
At its core, Revolution Idle revolves around generating income by completing laps with colored circles. Each circle has unique stats, including revolution speed, ascension power, and multiplier gain.
Unlocking Key Features
As you progress, you’ll unlock critical features like automation, which allows you to automatically buy levels, ascend circles, and more. These features are essential for optimizing your gameplay and maximizing efficiency.
Core Mechanics
Circles and Multipliers
In Revolution Idle, the core gameplay revolves around circles, which are the primary source of income generation. There are 10 circles, each with a unique color ranging from red to white. Each circle has three critical stats:
- Revolution Speed: Determines how quickly the circle completes a lap. Red circles are the fastest, while white circles are the slowest.
- Ascension Power: A multiplier that enhances the Mult Gain of a circle when you perform an ascension.
- Mult Gain: The amount of multiplier added to the circle’s color multiplier after each lap.
Upgrading and Ascending Circles
To maximize income, you’ll need to upgrade and ascend your circles. Upgrading increases a circle’s level, improving its speed and efficiency. Ascension, on the other hand, resets a circle’s level but applies its Ascension Power to its Mult Gain, allowing it to generate more multipliers per lap.
However, ascending a circle temporarily reduces its speed, as it resets to level 5 (by default). Therefore, timing your ascensions is crucial. Early on, it’s recommended to wait until multiple circles are ready to ascend before performing the action. This ensures that the temporary speed reduction doesn’t hinder your overall progress.
Total Multiplier Calculation
Your total income is calculated by multiplying the multipliers of all 10 circles. The formula is as follows:
Total Multiplier = Red Mult × Orange Mult × Yellow Mult × Green Mult × Turquoise Mult × Cyan Mult × Blue Mult × Purple Mult × Pink Mult × White Mult
This formula highlights the importance of balancing upgrades across all circles to maximize your income.
Prestige and Promotion
Prestige becomes available once you’ve earned 1 million Revolution Score. It resets your progress but provides two powerful bonuses:
- P.Exponent: Adds a logarithmic scaling effect to your total multiplier.
- P.Mult: Directly multiplies your total multiplier before the exponent is applied.
The formula for income with Prestige is:
Income = (Total Circles Multiplier × P.Mult)^P.Exponent
Prestiging is essential for breaking through early-game bottlenecks. It’s recommended to prestige when you can achieve at least a 10x boost to your P.Mult. As you progress, you’ll be able to prestige with even higher boosts, further accelerating your income growth.
Promotion is unlocked when your P.Mult exceeds 1,000. It resets your progress again and allows you to choose one of four promotions:
- Mult Gain Mult: Increases the Mult Gain of your circles.
- Laps Speed Mult: Boosts the speed of your circles.
- Ascension Power: Enhances the Ascension Power of your circles.
- Promotion Power: Multiplies the effects of the first three promotions.
Promotion adds another layer of strategy, as you’ll need to balance these bonuses to maximize your progress. For example, early on, focusing on Mult Gain Mult and Laps Speed Mult can significantly boost your income.
Infinity and Beyond
Infinity is the third prestige layer, unlocked when you reach a score of 1.79e308. It resets your progress again but rewards you with Infinity Points (IP), which can be spent on powerful upgrades. Infinity also introduces Challenges, which provide unique bonuses and are essential for progressing to the endgame.
Infinity Upgrades
Infinity Upgrades are a skill tree of nodes that provide various bonuses. Each upgrade costs IP, and the cost increases as you progress through the tree. Some upgrades also unlock automation features, such as Auto Buy and Auto Ascend, which streamline gameplay.
For example:
- Infinity Generation and Automation (1;1): Multiplies the power of your first generator and unlocks automation.
- Autoprestige (5;3): Automates the prestige process.
- Autoinfinity (15;1): Automates the Infinity process.
Automation Strategies
Auto Buy and Auto Ascend
Automation is unlocked with Infinity Upgrades and is a game-changer for efficiency. The first two automation features are Auto Buy and Auto Ascend, which automatically purchase circle levels and perform ascensions when certain conditions are met.
Early on, it’s recommended to disable Auto Ascend for the red circle to manually time ascensions for maximum efficiency. However, as you progress, enabling Auto Ascend for all circles can save time and effort.
Auto Prestige and Auto Promote
Auto Prestige
Auto Prestige becomes available at Infinity Upgrade 5;3 and automates the prestige process. You can configure it to trigger based on specific thresholds:
- Min P.Exponent Gain (+): 0
- Min P.Mult Gain (×): 1,000
- Min Time (s): 0.20
These settings ensure that Auto Prestige only triggers when it provides a meaningful boost to your income.
Auto Promote
Auto Promote is unlocked at Infinity Upgrade 10;1 and automates the promotion process. You can configure it to trigger promotions based on specific conditions, such as achieving a certain P.Mult. For example, you can set it to:
- Promotion 2; +50 Lv.
- Promotion 1; +50 Lv.
- Promotion 3; +50 Lv.
- Promotion 4; +50 Lv.
Adjusting these settings based on your progress can significantly improve your efficiency.
Advanced Automation Techniques
Auto Infinity
Auto Infinity is unlocked at Infinity Upgrade 15;1 and automates the Infinity process. It triggers when you reach a specific IP threshold, which you can set based on your progress. For example, you can set it to trigger when your IP gain begins to slow down, ensuring you’re always making progress.
Optimization Tips
- For short runs (under 30 minutes), focus on Promotion 1 and Promotion 2 for maximum efficiency.
- For long runs, enable all promotions and adjust the levels required to trigger them.
Challenges and Milestones
Infinity Challenges
Infinity Challenges unlock at Infinity Upgrade 7;1 and introduce handicaps to your gameplay. Completing these challenges rewards you with significant boosts and increases your IP gain multiplier.
Challenge Walkthrough
Here are some key milestones for completing challenges:
- Challenge 1: Complete immediately after unlocking challenges.
- Challenge 3: Requires all upgrades up to column 8.
- Challenges 4 and 9: These are the longest, often taking several hours to complete.
Challenge Automation
To optimize challenge completion, adjust your automation settings:
- Auto Ascension: Enable for all circles.
- Auto Prestige: Disable for faster completion.
- Auto Promote: Disable to maximize efficiency.
Eternity and Beyond
Eternity is the second major prestige layer, unlocked at 1.79e308 Infinity Points. It resets your progress but introduces new mechanics like Animals, Supernova, and Dilation, adding depth to the endgame.
Eternity Zoo
Eternity Zoo allows you to buy Animals using Animal Points (AP), which provide powerful bonuses based on your eternities. For example:
- Cat: Multiplies IP gain based on eternities.
- Dog: Boosts lap speed based on eternities.
Supernova is an upgrade mechanic that resets your current eternity and adds powerful multipliers. It’s recommended to trigger Supernova whenever possible, as it significantly boosts your progress.
Dilation is an endgame feature that introduces negative modifiers to your runs. Exiting a Dilation run rewards you with Dilation Points (DP), which can be spent on powerful upgrades.
Tips and Tricks
- Focus on upgrading circles that provide the most laps per second.
- Prestige when you can achieve a significant boost to your income.
- Experiment with automation settings to find the most efficient setup.
- Complete challenges to unlock powerful upgrades and bonuses.